Bug Fixes and Improvements
21 new Google Fonts added: "Antonio", "Bona Nova", "Dela Gothic One", "Encode Sans SC", "Festive", "Fuggles", "Karantina", "Kiwi Maru", "Lexend", "New Tegomin", "Orelega One", "Otomanopee One", "Qahiri", "STIX Two Math", "Tourney", "Train One", "Uchen", "Yomogi", "Zen Dots", "Zen Loop", "Zen Tokyo Zoo"
Fixed an issue that caused duplicate members in a team after an email address change.
Fixed an issue that caused no email confirmation to show after email address change.
Fixed an issue that caused the share to social media button to remain enabled for non-social media docs.
Fixed an issue that caused SmartLayouts to give JS errors on various operations.