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Downloading documents

How do I download or export a document?

Matt Bolton avatar
Written by Matt Bolton
Updated over a week ago

To download your document, click on File > Download and select your desired format:

So you can download your document page or selection as an image in the form of either a JPEG a PNG or an SVG. You can also download the document as a PDF, or for presentations you can also download it as a HTML file for offline or local use. 

For the JPEG, PNG and SVG files you can adjust the following settings...

For JPEG...

For PNG...

For SVG...

And for a PDF file choose from these options...

PDF download settings options

For Presentation (offline use), this will combine all your pages into one html file that contains all the elements within and requires no supporting files or folders. Simply open the html file to start your presentation.

Tip: After opening your presentation, press F11 to enter full screen mode.

When you have chosen an option click Download and the file will download.

For more on downloading and exporting PDFs have a look at this article...

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